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Project Wings – Langkat/Bukit Lawang
And that’s how it all started…
We have set up an online fundraising event for our internship at Project Wings.
The four of us are going on an unforgettable adventure to Sumatra, where we will work at *Project Wings* – an organization that is committed to sustainability and improving local living conditions. This project focuses on protecting nature, creating sustainable communities and making a positive impact on the future of Sumatra.
We are very excited about it and especially about participating in this beautiful initiative. We think it would be fantastic to contribute something lasting to the local population through our project. Our passion for sustainability and social involvement will have the space to flourish here!
But, to realize this, we need your help! We have to start a *fundraising* to make this possible. That is why we would really appreciate it if you would support us in this. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal of making a sustainable impact in Sumatra!
Together we build a greener future!
This is the link:
En dit is het laatste nieuws….
Wij zijn super ontvangen door de andere vrijwilligers en medewerkers. We hebben onze plek hier gevonden. Laatste 2 weken hebben met alle programma’s meegelopen, dit was erg indrukwekkend! Deze week hebben wij gekeken naar mogelijke project ideeën en hier met de medewerkers overgehad. Volgende week zaterdag is er een opening/event voor de recycling village waar wij aan mee werken. Wij zullen daarom 9 december echt van start gaan met ons project. Hier hebben wij enorm veel zin in!
Groeten, Tamar, Fieke, Joep en Janne
Wilt u meer weten over de eco-village, klik dan op deze link:
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